Reiki Share South London – Reiki London

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Reiki Healing – How it is Performed

Reiki therapy is accomplished by putting the palms of the hands over or on the affected person. When this has been done the expert Reiki healer will add or subtract the right quantity of energy. Reiki therapy is mostly about modifying the amount of energy in the body of the recipient. Typically people do not notice when their energy is not syncronized. The person who can get things back to normal is a highly skilled and trained Reiki therapist. They will proceed to reroute the energy and help the recipient in getting back to being as healthy as they hope to be.

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Reiki Can be Life Changing

The experience of Reiki will change your way of life, as it gives you the cabability to attune yourself with nature. You have never experienced the kind of contentment that the world of Reiki provides. Your body will be harmonized with everything around you. For the first time in your life, you’ll feel that you’re an integral part of the world, and not simply in it. Each single facet of your daily life will be different. You can expect to consider yourself as being a significant part of the bigger picture and not just a character in it. Any of this is entirely possible if you embrace the peacefulness and calmness which Reiki can give.

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