How Reiki works

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How does Reiki work?

Reiki is a so-called energetic manual therapy of Japanese origin by placing hands on the surface of the body. The person who receives remains dressed and is comfortably installed on a table of care. The practice of Reiki allows the practitioner to channel the vital energy (called Reiki, but also Chi or Ki in the martial arts, and many other names in various cultures) before transmitting it to the patient. The person who transmits Reiki thus conveys, through his hands, the Universal energy. Receiving it receives the necessary amount it needs to regenerate itself. Neither the donor nor the recipient has control over the Universal energy. The latter automatically adapts to the needs of the recipient. The donor is only one channel. He does not use his own energy as the magnetizers can do. No energy is taken from him. On the contrary, it regenerates while the recipient receives energy through the energy that passes through it. To achieve this, the Reiki practitioner has followed specific energy harmonisations. These allow him to access the energy that will pass through an internal channel that will be activated by a Reiki master teacher. The energy of Reiki acts initially on the energy centres of the human being that we call “chakras”. Reiki is a natural method of care that:
– re-harmonises and rebalances the energy centers of the body (the chakras),
– releases tensions, physical and emotional blockages,
– tones all the organs,
– revitalises and relaxes deeply. It regenerates the body, improves health, provides a general well being with a strong inner peace and also promotes personal transformation.

It allows to practice on oneself or on others, a balancing of the centers of energy of the body, called “chakras”.

Self-balancing chakras

Reiki is also used in disease prevention and as a supplement to any medical treatment that can increase its effectiveness. For this purpose, it is important to specify that a Reiki treatment will never replace an allopathic treatment delivered by a doctor. It is not advisable to stop medical treatment without having spoken to your doctor before. No Reiki practitioner will propose the cessation of medical treatment. The practitioner serves as a conductive path to the Universal Vital Energy that will be diffused in the person receiving at different points of entry. Benefits are generally felt from the first session. The calm and cozy atmosphere of the room, bathed in an atmosphere of soft music, accompanies the practitioner and the person who receives during all the care. Depending on the nature of the expectations, it may be necessary to perform a number of treatments that provide positive stimulation to the body.

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