About Me

4.1/5 - (18 Reviews)

After years of working with Reiki healing I’ve come to realise that the most beautiful changes we experience are not the moments of great epiphany we all search for. Instead the most beneficial changes are gentle and continuous and for the whole of our lives. 

Reiki and the healing arts are my greatest gift and have had the most beautiful effect on my life and I love it! Working in the media, I found to be both exciting and challenging at the same time. I was constantly in situations where I didn’t feel comfortable expressing my true nature. I realise now that it wasn’t the environment, the work or the people. It was me, I’d given all my power away to the situations I’d found myself in.

Spirituality had played a big role in my life since birth, however, I realised that I was paying it lip service rather than embodying my truth.

Was there a moment of revelation? Not exactly, but I do believe in feeling and being open to life’s gifts in every situation and ever since stepping on to this path fully, it’s become so much more than just my work. I give it my all and i’m constantly evolving as a person because of it and i’m really thankful!

Life is as exciting, wondrous and beautiful as we will allow it to be. My aim is to help you realise your potential and that you have abilities and talents far beyond your reckoning.

I’d like to help you bring all of yourself into every aspect of your life, your work, your family, and most importantly your relationship with yourself.

It’s time to shine. Let’s do this!

The best contact number for me is:
07949 056 111

Or you can contact me here.

I look forward to hearing from you! 




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